Buy canned metal mesh approx.t / n 35x35mm 3.00mm 1.50m / 2.00m from Sitka Zahid

35х35/3,00mm 1,50m/2,00m
693.99 uah
925.32 uah
8 reviews
Action -25%
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Product characteristics:
  • Product code: 000002110
  • Grid: 35х35
  • Wire diameter: 3,00mm
  • Material type: Low carbon steel
  • Product length: 2,00m
  • Product height: 1,50m

When it comes to areas of use, the most common reason to buy corrugated mesh is to build dog enclosures. But this is not the only area of ​​application. It is gaining popularity in the decorative direction in the manufacture of metal structures for stairs, shelving, exterior and interior details, because painting the mesh in the desired color successfully complements the design of the room.

In addition, they are used for:
- sifting building materials from unnecessary impurities;
- construction of the base of screens;
- reinforcement of structures with increased strength;
- coatings for thermal insulation materials;
- glass protection for automotive vehicles in the agricultural sector;
- fencing of equipment, ventilation systems, air conditioners;
- bars on windows from vandals;
- protection of switchboards from unauthorized persons;
- design elements of beds, bedside tables, shelves;
- facade decoration of buildings;
- installation of shelves in warehouses;
- bases of garbage cans, containers, carts.

Summing up, it can be argued that the scope of application is very wide: from construction to design. Anyone who wants to get maximum strength and endurance in combination with an aesthetic look buys a crimped mesh.

20-year warranty
20-year warranty
Own production
Own production
Fast shipping
Fast shipping
Certified quality
Certified quality
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