Delivery methods

Адресная доставка заказов по Украине
Address courier delivery from Sitka Zapad is profitable, convenient and reliable. The courier in a branded car will quickly deliver the order to the specified address in any part of Ukraine, having previously called the customer and agreed on the details.

Delivery service "Nova poshta"
Nova Poshta is the leader of the logistics market, which provides easy delivery at the choice of each customer - to the branch, post office, to the address. The company's network has more than 6,000 branches throughout Ukraine, so it is convenient, uninterrupted and fast.

A customer can pick up a refund at one hour from Mon to Fri from 9.00 to 17.00 and from Sat from 9.00 to 13.00 from one of the closest from 11 filials. You can find the map of stores-warehouses on the site in the contacts section.
Payment methods

Payment by bank transfer
You will be able to pay by bank card by receiving the specified details by e-mail. After payment, sending the goods will expedite the notification to the manager in any form convenient for you about the payment with the order number.