Buy section standard color 200x50mm 4mm / 4mm 2.43m / 2.50m ots. + PP in Sitka Zahid

200х50mm 2,43m/2,50m 4,00mm/4,00mm
1344.17 uah
1792.22 uah
7 reviews
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Product characteristics:
  • Product code: 000013639
  • Grid: 200х50mm
  • Horizontal wire: 4,00mm
  • Vertical wire: 4,00mm
  • Product height: 2,43m
  • Product length: 2,50m
  • Material type: ZN+PP

Sectional fence made of welded metal mesh and reef stiffness is aesthetically pleasing, minimalist and effective. This is the number one choice among buyers, so it confidently occupies the position of one of the most common types of fencing around the world. It is based on galvanized hot-dip galvanized metal wire, which is coated with a polymer coating that provides an aesthetic appearance, and most importantly reliable protection of the territory for many years. It combines affordable price and high quality. The fence is both galvanized and polymer coated. The most popular is the green painted fence, because it looks harmonious with the hedge, minimal care, because it is not noticeable spots after rain. However, colors such as anthracite and brown are also in demand.


• strength, even seismic activity will not affect the integrity of the sections;
• European CE certification;
• honest 20-year warranty;
• resistant to mechanical damage, shocks, bends, loads;
• heat resistance, frost resistance and corrosion resistance increases the service life;
• possibility of installation of additional protection in the form of a barbed wire for the increased protection, automatic equipment for gate, tapes for sections for a separate payment;
• anti-vandal properties through the structure of construction;
• simple and fast installation in a few hours;
• unpretentious in care, it is not necessary to paint;
• polymer coating - protection from adverse and harmful weathering.

The most popular objects of protection are:

• residential multi-storey or country houses;
• gardens, cottages, gardens;
• refueling;
• playgrounds, sports grounds;
• airports, railway stations;
• roads, highways;
• commercial buildings, such as offices, training facilities, hospitals;
• cafes, bars, restaurants;
• factories, plants, thermal power plants;
• parking lots;
• agricultural lands;
• solar power plants;
• warehouses;
• parks, protected areas.

Sitka Zapad is ready to fence even more areas, so we are happy to protect new cities, streets, locations and facilities with the highest quality fencing.

20-year warranty
20-year warranty
Own production
Own production
Fast shipping
Fast shipping
Certified quality
Certified quality
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купляв для огородження території, щоб ніхто не мав доступу до неї знайшов вас через цей сайт оформив замовлення максимально швидко, сервіс у вас працює на ура, всі там у вас молодці по якості чесно не сильно розбираюсь але вроді тоже як хороший! доставили без пригод все круто!
Оленка В., 
Хата без огорожі ніщо, з огорожою - все. Життя не стоїть на місці, старі паркани падають, а нові треба ставити, щоб вберегти своє майно, бо завжди знайдеться той хто захоче заглянути до твого господарства.
То ж я зупинилась на цій компанії і саме тут придбала свою секцію. ЗАмовила монтаж. І тепер тішусь огородженій ділянці